The Best Druid Endgame Build In Diablo 4

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In this guide, we will show you how to make the best Druid Endgame Build in the game.

In Diablo 4, the Werewolf Tornado build is undoubtedly the best for the class. Werewolf Tornado is an extremely high-damage build that allows Druids to contend for the best class. The goal of the Werewolf Tornado is to deal quick attacks that still deal massive swaths of damage to multiple targets. This build sacrifices very little, allowing Druids to remain mobile and fairly tanky all while generating significant damage. In this guide, we will show you how to make the best build in the game.

To fully realize the Werewolf Tornado build for Druids in Diablo 4, it is absolutely essential to pick up the correct gear and aspects. 

Helm: Tempest Roar
Chest: Aspect of Might
Hands: Stormchaser’s Aspect
Legs: Tibault’s Will
Feet: Aspect of Metamorphosis
Amulet: Aspect of the Changeling’s Debt
Ring: Aspect of the Stampede and  Hunter’s Zenith
Weapon: Shepherd’s Aspect

Without the Tempest Roar Unique Helm, this build is not possible. This unique aspect transforms all Storm skills into Werewolf skills and gives a significant damage increase while shapeshifting. Given just how rare and unpredictable it is for Unique items to drop, the barrier to entry to starting this build is extremely high. But now don’t worry, you can buy Diablo 4 Items on U4gm, including Unique items. Use code "Mods" for 5% off, and 100% safe!

In addition, many of the Aspects listed above cover up the Werewolf Tornado's relative shortcomings. Compared to over melee, tanky classes, such as the Barbarian, the Druid can sustain noticeably less damage. Aspects of Might and Metamorphosis particularly help increase your damage resistance and use the Unstoppable status effect more often.

For Werewolf Tornado Druids, your main skills kept on your action bar will be kept to your Core and Companion abilities. Given the name of the build, Tornado will be your primary function and tool when fighting either large groups or single targets. Wolves, Ravens, and Poison Creepers are all extremely useful, albeit situational summons. All three are valuable abilities, Posion Creepers providing CC and a poison effect, wolves dealing greater single-target damage, and Ravens providing a much-needed AoE attack.

Wolves - Companion - Summon two wolves to focus on one enemy. The wolves become Unstoppable and leap on the enemy to attack for 200% damage.
Poison Creeper - Companion - Vines emerge from the group and immobilize nearby enemies for two seconds. Enemies afflicted by vines are poisoned.
Ravens - Companion - A flock of Ravens swarms a targeted area, damaging all enemies inside the circle with 300% damage over six seconds.
Tornado - Core - Conjures a whirling tornado at an enemy.
Storm Strike - Basic - Your weapon is imbued with electric energy and deals 20% damage to your target, chaining up to three enemies. Storm Strike also grants a 15% increase to damage reduction for three seconds.
Debilitating Roar - Defensive - Shapeshift into a Werebear and deliver a roar that decreases incoming damage by 70% for four seconds.

Alongside these active abilities, there are a couple of Spirit Boons you will want to pick up along your skills tree. Bestial Rampage, Masochistic, Wariness, Energize, Iron Feather, and Avian Wrath are all excellent additions to this build. Since you will spend most of your attacking time in a shapeshifted form, Bestial Rampage is the most important additional passive to get. Masochistic also provides incredible sustain, granting health in exchange for damage output. 

When paired alongside the appropriate skills and passives, there are few, if any, weak points of this build. Although a very gear and Unique-reliant build, it is perfect for any Druid looking to change their playstyle in the late game. Good Luck!
